checkProject Type: Plugin Development | UX Design
checkRole: Project Lead
checkTechnology: PHP | JavaScript | jQuery

Bio Life Solutions is a long time client and we built them their website. They came to us with a feature request to build them a data store for their certificates of analysis. These are documents that ship out in every package they sell but sometimes their distributors don’t send them with the item. In this scenario the customer contact’s Bio Life’s support team to have them email it to them.

This project was aimed to automate the process and also capture some lead information for future sales initiatives. Since their website was on WordPress I built a Wordpress plugin that could store all of their PDF’s and a frontend for the customer to submit a form request so we can capture their information and give them access to the COA document they were looking for.


Over the year’s this tool has saved hundred’s of hours of man power answering phone calls and answering emails. It also has been a good source of lead generation for their sales team. It has allowed them to see who is buying from their distributors. The tool is still being used today.

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High-Fidelity Prototype